How To Use

1. Intstall and activate the theme. First of all you need to download CoolvetiQuotes, un-compress it and upload all the content to your theme folder (usually located on /wp-content/themes/). Now you can activate CoolvetiQuotes from the Appearance › Themes panel.

2. Create the background categories. Go to Posts › Categories panel and create the following 13 categories: Azure, Blue, Brown, Carbon, Fluo, Grapewine, Green, Olive, Orange, Purple, Red, Rose, Yellow. As you can guess, these categories are needed to assign a custom background color to each quote (see pt. 3).

3. Publish your first quote. Just create a new post and write your quote in the title field and the author in the main content block. Select from the Category list the color you wish for the background. That’s all.

Of course you can also create Pages: they will be added automatically to the top menu.

CoolvetiQuotes supports the Custom Menu feature, so from the Appearance › Menus panel you can choose the items you want to appear in the top menu.

Advanced usage. With a basic CSS knowledge you can have fun adding custom background classes for your quotes. Just open the style.css file from the theme folder and follow the commented instructions.